Roberto Hinz
2018-10-24 16:53:07 UTC
Almost every API contains some functions that receive or return strings.
Yet, the C++ standard does not provide any good solution to transfer
strings across modules boundaries. While raw strings and
std::basic_string_view are not able to manage dynamic allocated memory,
std::basic_string does not have a standard ABI and its header is expensive
to compile.
Is there any effort to address this going on? If not, I would like to
propose the basic_api_string class template located at Its main characteristics are:
- Its header file is fast to compile.
- It is able manage memory allocation/deallocation (using reference
- Its copy constructor is always fast and never throws.
- It supports small string optimisation.
- c_str() and data() member functions that always return a
null-terminated raw string, *i.e.* they never return nullptr.
- The user can create an basic_api_string object from a string literal
without any memory allocating.
- Can safely cross modules boundaries, because:
- It has a specified ABI
- It ensures that memory is deallocated in same module it has been
- No write access to individual characters ( like string_view ).
- No support for char traits, allocators, nor reverse iterators ( to
keep the header cheap to compile ).
- No support for user defined character type. It must be char, char16_t,
char32_t or wchar_t.
The <api_string> header
namespace std {
template <typename CharT> class basic_api_string {public:
// Types
using value_type = CharT;
using pointer = const CharT*;
using const_pointer = const CharT*;
using reference = CharT&;
using const_reference = const CharT&;
using const_iterator = const CharT*;
using interator = const CharT*;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
// Construction and Destruction
basic_api_string() noexcept;
basic_api_string(const basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string(basic_api_string&& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string(const CharT* str, size_type count)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
basic_api_string(const CharT* str)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
// Modifiers
basic_api_string& operator=(const basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string& operator=(basic_api_string&& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string& operator=(const CharT* str)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
void swap(basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
void clear();
// Capacity
bool empty() const noexcept;
size_type length() const noexcept;
size_type size() const noexcept;
// Element access
const_pointer c_str() const noexcept
[[ensures str: str != nullptr && str[length()] == CharT()]]
const_pointer data() const noexcept;
[[ensures str: str != nullptr && str[length()] == CharT()]]
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const
[[expects: pos <= length()]];
const_reference at(size_type pos) const; // throws std::out_of_range
const_reference front() const;
[[expects: ! empty()]];
const_reference back() const
[[expects: ! empty()]];
// Comparison
int compare( const basic_api_string& other) const;
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const basic_api_string& s ) const; // throws std::out_of_rang
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const basic_api_string& s
, size_type pos2
, size_type count2) const; // throws std::out_of_rang
int compare(const CharT* str) const
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const CharT* s) const;
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const CharT* s
, size_type count2) const;
bool starts_with(const basic_api_string& x) const;
bool starts_with(CharT x) const;
bool starts_with(const CharT* x) const;
bool ends_with(const basic_api_string_view& x) const;
bool ends_with(CharT x) const;
bool ends_with(const CharT* x) const;};
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const basic_api_string<CharT>&,
const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator!=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator< (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator>=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const CharT*, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator!=(const
CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator< (const CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const CharT*, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator>=(const CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const basic_api_string<CharT>&,
const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool operator!=(const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool
operator< (const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
CharT*);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool
operator>=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);
template <class CharT>
basic_api_string<CharT> api_string_ref(const CharT* s);
template <class CharT>
basic_api_string<CharT> api_string_ref(const CharT* s, std::size_t len)
[[expects: s[len] == CharT()]];
namespace string_literals {
basic_api_string<char> operator "" _as(const char* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<char16_t> operator "" _as(const char16_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<char32_t> operator "" _as(const char32_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<wchar_t> operator "" _as(const wchar_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
} // namespace string_literals
using api_string = basic_api_string<char>;using api_u16string =
basic_api_string<char16_t>;using api_u32string =
basic_api_string<char32_t>;using api_wstring =
} // namespace std
- The operator "" _as functions as well as the api_string_ref function
templates create a basic_api_string object that just references a string
without managing its lifetime.
basic_api_string has no virtual functions. Its has the following internal
data structure:
union {
constexpr static std::size_t sso_capacity()
constexpr std::size_t c = (2 * sizeof(void*)) / sizeof(CharT);
return c > 0 ? (c - 1) : c;
struct {
std::size_t len;
std::__abi::api_string_mem_base* mem_manager; // see below
const CharT* str;
} big;
struct { // (for small string optimization)
unsigned char len;
CharT str[sso_capacity() + 1];
} small;};
The small object is used in SSO (small string optimization) mode. The big
object is used otherwise. We are in SSO mode, if, and only if, big.str ==
when in SSO mode:
- big.str must be null.
- basic_api_string<CharT>::data() must return small.str.
- small.len must not be greater than sso_capacity().
- small.str[small.len] must be zero.
- small.str[sso_capacity()] must be zero. Note that changing the
value of small.str[sso_capacity()] corrupts big.str.
- if small.len == 0 , then big.len must be zero too ( this
facilitates the implementation of basic_api_string<CharT>::empty() )
when not in SSO mode:
- big.str must not be null.
- basic_api_string<CharT>::data() must return big.str.
- big.str[big.len] must be zero.
- If big.mem_manager != nullptr then the memory pointed by big.str is
managed by reference counting, and big.mem_manager is used to update
the counters ( see the api_string_mem_base below ).
- If big.mem_manager == nullptr then the memory pointer by big.str is
not managed by basic_api_string. This is the case when
basic_api_string is created by api_string_ref function.
The api_string_mem_base class
struct api_string_mem_base;
struct api_string_func_table{
typedef std::size_t (*func_size)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef void (*func_void)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef bool (*func_bool)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef std::byte* (*func_ptr) (api_string_mem_base*);
unsigned long abi_version = 0;
func_size acquire = nullptr;
func_void release = nullptr;
func_bool unique = nullptr;
func_ptr begin = nullptr;
func_ptr end = nullptr;};
struct api_string_mem_base{
const api_string_func_table* const func_table;
std::size_t acquire() { return func_table->acquire(this); }
void release() { func_table->release(this); }
bool unique() { return func_table->unique(this); }
std::byte* begin() { return func_table->begin(this); }
std::byte* end() { return func_table->end(this); }};
- acquire() increments the reference counter, and returns the previous
- release() decrements the reference counter and, if it becames zero,
deallocates the memory.
- unique() tells whether the reretence countes is equal to one.
- begin() and end() return the memory region that contains the string.
- api_string_mem_base::abi_version shall be equall to zero.
Almost every API contains some functions that receive or return strings.
Yet, the C++ standard does not provide any good solution to transfer
strings across modules boundaries. While raw strings and
std::basic_string_view are not able to manage dynamic allocated memory,
std::basic_string does not have a standard ABI and its header is expensive
to compile.
Is there any effort to address this going on? If not, I would like to
propose the basic_api_string class template located at Its main characteristics are:
- Its header file is fast to compile.
- It is able manage memory allocation/deallocation (using reference
- Its copy constructor is always fast and never throws.
- It supports small string optimisation.
- c_str() and data() member functions that always return a
null-terminated raw string, *i.e.* they never return nullptr.
- The user can create an basic_api_string object from a string literal
without any memory allocating.
- Can safely cross modules boundaries, because:
- It has a specified ABI
- It ensures that memory is deallocated in same module it has been
- No write access to individual characters ( like string_view ).
- No support for char traits, allocators, nor reverse iterators ( to
keep the header cheap to compile ).
- No support for user defined character type. It must be char, char16_t,
char32_t or wchar_t.
The <api_string> header
namespace std {
template <typename CharT> class basic_api_string {public:
// Types
using value_type = CharT;
using pointer = const CharT*;
using const_pointer = const CharT*;
using reference = CharT&;
using const_reference = const CharT&;
using const_iterator = const CharT*;
using interator = const CharT*;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
// Construction and Destruction
basic_api_string() noexcept;
basic_api_string(const basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string(basic_api_string&& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string(const CharT* str, size_type count)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
basic_api_string(const CharT* str)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
// Modifiers
basic_api_string& operator=(const basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string& operator=(basic_api_string&& other) noexcept;
basic_api_string& operator=(const CharT* str)
[[expects: str != nullpr]];
void swap(basic_api_string& other) noexcept;
void clear();
// Capacity
bool empty() const noexcept;
size_type length() const noexcept;
size_type size() const noexcept;
// Element access
const_pointer c_str() const noexcept
[[ensures str: str != nullptr && str[length()] == CharT()]]
const_pointer data() const noexcept;
[[ensures str: str != nullptr && str[length()] == CharT()]]
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const
[[expects: pos <= length()]];
const_reference at(size_type pos) const; // throws std::out_of_range
const_reference front() const;
[[expects: ! empty()]];
const_reference back() const
[[expects: ! empty()]];
// Comparison
int compare( const basic_api_string& other) const;
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const basic_api_string& s ) const; // throws std::out_of_rang
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const basic_api_string& s
, size_type pos2
, size_type count2) const; // throws std::out_of_rang
int compare(const CharT* str) const
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const CharT* s) const;
int compare( size_type pos1
, size_type count1
, const CharT* s
, size_type count2) const;
bool starts_with(const basic_api_string& x) const;
bool starts_with(CharT x) const;
bool starts_with(const CharT* x) const;
bool ends_with(const basic_api_string_view& x) const;
bool ends_with(CharT x) const;
bool ends_with(const CharT* x) const;};
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const basic_api_string<CharT>&,
const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator!=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator< (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator>=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const CharT*, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator!=(const
CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator< (const CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const CharT*, const
basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);template <class CharT> bool
operator>=(const CharT*, const basic_api_string<CharT>&);
template <class CharT> bool operator==(const basic_api_string<CharT>&,
const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool operator!=(const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool
operator< (const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template
<class CharT> bool operator<=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const
CharT*);template <class CharT> bool operator> (const
basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);template <class CharT> bool
operator>=(const basic_api_string<CharT>&, const CharT*);
template <class CharT>
basic_api_string<CharT> api_string_ref(const CharT* s);
template <class CharT>
basic_api_string<CharT> api_string_ref(const CharT* s, std::size_t len)
[[expects: s[len] == CharT()]];
namespace string_literals {
basic_api_string<char> operator "" _as(const char* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<char16_t> operator "" _as(const char16_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<char32_t> operator "" _as(const char32_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
basic_api_string<wchar_t> operator "" _as(const wchar_t* str, size_t
len) noexcept;
} // namespace string_literals
using api_string = basic_api_string<char>;using api_u16string =
basic_api_string<char16_t>;using api_u32string =
basic_api_string<char32_t>;using api_wstring =
} // namespace std
- The operator "" _as functions as well as the api_string_ref function
templates create a basic_api_string object that just references a string
without managing its lifetime.
basic_api_string has no virtual functions. Its has the following internal
data structure:
union {
constexpr static std::size_t sso_capacity()
constexpr std::size_t c = (2 * sizeof(void*)) / sizeof(CharT);
return c > 0 ? (c - 1) : c;
struct {
std::size_t len;
std::__abi::api_string_mem_base* mem_manager; // see below
const CharT* str;
} big;
struct { // (for small string optimization)
unsigned char len;
CharT str[sso_capacity() + 1];
} small;};
The small object is used in SSO (small string optimization) mode. The big
object is used otherwise. We are in SSO mode, if, and only if, big.str ==
when in SSO mode:
- big.str must be null.
- basic_api_string<CharT>::data() must return small.str.
- small.len must not be greater than sso_capacity().
- small.str[small.len] must be zero.
- small.str[sso_capacity()] must be zero. Note that changing the
value of small.str[sso_capacity()] corrupts big.str.
- if small.len == 0 , then big.len must be zero too ( this
facilitates the implementation of basic_api_string<CharT>::empty() )
when not in SSO mode:
- big.str must not be null.
- basic_api_string<CharT>::data() must return big.str.
- big.str[big.len] must be zero.
- If big.mem_manager != nullptr then the memory pointed by big.str is
managed by reference counting, and big.mem_manager is used to update
the counters ( see the api_string_mem_base below ).
- If big.mem_manager == nullptr then the memory pointer by big.str is
not managed by basic_api_string. This is the case when
basic_api_string is created by api_string_ref function.
The api_string_mem_base class
struct api_string_mem_base;
struct api_string_func_table{
typedef std::size_t (*func_size)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef void (*func_void)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef bool (*func_bool)(api_string_mem_base*);
typedef std::byte* (*func_ptr) (api_string_mem_base*);
unsigned long abi_version = 0;
func_size acquire = nullptr;
func_void release = nullptr;
func_bool unique = nullptr;
func_ptr begin = nullptr;
func_ptr end = nullptr;};
struct api_string_mem_base{
const api_string_func_table* const func_table;
std::size_t acquire() { return func_table->acquire(this); }
void release() { func_table->release(this); }
bool unique() { return func_table->unique(this); }
std::byte* begin() { return func_table->begin(this); }
std::byte* end() { return func_table->end(this); }};
- acquire() increments the reference counter, and returns the previous
- release() decrements the reference counter and, if it becames zero,
deallocates the memory.
- unique() tells whether the reretence countes is equal to one.
- begin() and end() return the memory region that contains the string.
- api_string_mem_base::abi_version shall be equall to zero.
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